Tuesday 27 February 2018

Cabbage salad

                         Cabbage salad



Ripe tomatoes,

Salad cream,

Green pepper.


1. Remove the outer layer of the cabbage, cut the remaining into slices.

2. Boil for about 3 minutes.

3. Chop the onion and and green pepper, and tomatoes into slices.

4. Remove the cabbage from the hot water and put in a bowl of cold water.

5. Siever  the cabbage from the water and add the other vegetable sprinkle with the salad cream.

6. Your cabbage salad is ready to be served, you can take along with fried rice, jollof rice, and can also be eaten alone.

7. Enjoy your cabbage salad.

Zobo drinks

               Zobo drinks


Zobo leaves,


Vanilla flavour (optional),


1. Wash the zobo leaves in a bowl of water.

2. Boil it in a large pot for about 30 minutes.

3. Leave it to cool before adding the vanilla flavour(optional).

4. Boil the sugar separate for 5 minutes, then add it to the zobo water.

5. Put in a container and serve when chilled .

6. You can take it with any snacks of your choice, like doughnut, mini egg roll and so on.

Akara (Beans cake)

          Akara (Beans cake)


Frying oil,


1. Soak the beans in a bowl of water and wash with your hands to remove the outer coat.

2. Grind with onion, pepper together.

3. Mix it together with a little quantity of water and oil and add salt to taste.

4. Put the frying oil in a pot and set on fire, heat for 5 minutes, then use spoon to put the mixture into the pot of oil.

5. Fry and watch it turn red in both sides before you can remove and serve.

6. You can take with pap, oat meal, cornflakes.

Bitter leaf soup

                    Bitter leaf soup



Dried pepper,
Bitter leaf,
Smoked fish,
Castor oil (ogiri/iru),
Palm oil,
Cocoyam paste.


1. Boil the meat with stock fish for about 40 minutes.

2. Wash the bitter leaves to remove excess bitterness.

3. Add oil, pepper, crayfish, fish and cocoyam paste.

4. Stir and add water, then allow it to boil for 25 minutes.

5. Mash the castor oil with spoon and add with seasoning, chopped onions and the bitter leaves.

6. Cook for 8 minutes, then serve along with amala, eba, pounded yam.

Ewedu soup

               Ewedu soup


Ewedu leaves,




Grindly melon,

Locust beans,


1. Slice the ewedu leaves, put it in a pot and add potash, add little water to it and beat the leaves with a short strong neat broom to blend into a liquid form with the water.

2. Add egusi, salt and seasoning to it, add locust beans and allow it to boil for 10 minutes, then you can serve along with semolina, amala and fufu.

Okro tomato pepper soup

           Okro tomato pepper soup



7 piece of beef,
4 pieces of snail,
20 finger of okro chopped,
1 tomato,
Half red bell pepper,
3 yellow peppers,
1 quarter bulb of onion,
1 tablespoon of blended pepper soup spices,
Half cup of crayfish pieces,
1 quarter cup of crayfish head,
Seasoning cubes,
1 teaspoon of dry pepper.


1. Season your beef and borokoto  with seasoning cubes, onion and teaspoon of dry pepper, bring to boil in a pot of water till the beef is half cooked, add water as needed.

2. Wash the snails, and add to the pot when the beef  and borokoto is halfway cooked, so the snail could be soft as well but no too soft.

3. Add the grounded pepper soup spices to the pot and reduce the heat to medium.

4. Wash your crayfish pieces and crayfish head, place them in a separate bowls.

5. Blend the tomato, pepper, and crayfish head and add a quarter cup of water.

6. Pour the blended tomato,pepper, and crayfish head into the pot of meat and snails stir and at this point, add the crayfish pieces.

7. Add the chopped okro, stir for a minute and immediately take off the fire so the okro is not over cooked, there would be enough heat in the pot to steam the okro.

8.  Your okro pepper soup is ready for serving , you can take along with semolina, pounded yam or wheat flour.

Birthday cake cookies

                Birthday cake cookies 


It comes with a packet of sprinkles inside, which you could stirred on the cookies dough, then used extra sprinkles on the tops of the cookies.


1 cup of butter softened,
3/4 cup of brown sugar,
1/4 cup of granulated white sugar,
1 small of package (3g ounce) instant birthday cake pudding  mix,
2 larges eggs,
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract,
2_1/4 cups of all purpose flour,
1 teaspoon of baking soda,
1/2 teaspoon of salt,
2 cups of white chocolate chips,
Sprinkles for coating.


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Line the cookies sheets with slip at or parchment.
3. In a large bowl, mix together the butter, both sugars, pudding mix ( save sprinkles for later), eggs and vanilla.
4. Beat with a mixer, on medium speed until creamy and combined.
5. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt.
6. Gradually add in the flour and baking soda to the mixture.
7. Beating on low speed until combined.
8. Stir in the white chocolate chips and packet of sprinkles that came with the pudding.
9. Scoop dough into round tablespoons and roll in sprinkles to coat, place on cookies sheets and bake for 8_10 minutes or until edges are golden.
10. Remove from oven and let cookies rest and cool on the cookies sheets.
11. Your birthday cake cookies is ready for serving.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Berry Milk Shake

            Berry Milk Shake


6 ice cubes,
1 cup of half heavy cream,
1 cup of milk,
1 cup of fresh blackberries,
1/4 cup of white sugar ( plus more to taste if needed).


1. Blend ice, milk, cream, sugar and fruit together in a blender and blend until smooth.

2. When is smooth then is ready to serve can be chilled if want.

Lemon juice

                   Lemon juice.


Lemon juice,



1. Mix all the juice and water together.

2. Add sugar with it and serve chilled.

Fish roll

                   Fish roll


5 cups of flour,
5 tablespoon of butter,
1/2 teaspoon of salt,
1/2 teaspoon of sugar, (optional).
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
1 litre of water,
Well cooked fish.


1. Mix flour, baking powder and salt, sugar together, add water gradually to make the mixture soft.

2. Put the cooked fish in the middle of the pastry and add butter, then bake in a hot oven.

3. When is light brown then is ready to serve, you can take along with any choice of drinks.

Coconut rice

                  Coconut rice


Fresh tomatoes,
Coconut sauce,
Fresh shrimps,


1. Boil the coconut sauce for about 10 minutes, add cooked meat, shrimps, salt, seasoning, chopped tomatoes, onion and fresh pepper.

2. Allow to dry a little, then add the boiled coconut sauce.

3. Cook till is tender, then reduce the heat and simmer till the water is dried up.

4. When dreid you can serve .

5. Can be taken as breakfast, lunch or supper.

Moi _Moi

                Moi _ Moi


Vegetable oil,
Fresh fish,


1. Soak the beans for 20 minutes, wash your hands to remove the outer coat of the beans.

2. Grind with onions, pepper.

3. Add crayfish, oil and seasoning after which you have finished grinding it.

4. Put a little water in a pot and set on fire.

5. Put some quantity of the mixture into an empty can of milk or nylon or wrapping leaf used in ofada rice and put in the pot of water.

6. Cut the tomatoes into slices and put it on top of each quantity with the fresh fish.

7. Cook till it is well condensed, then remove from heat and serve.

8. You can take along with custard, pap, oatmeal or wheat .          

Banga soup

            Banga soup 



Ripped palm nut,


1. Boil the palm nut till soften.
2. Pound mash with your finger to bring out the sauce.
3. Put the sauce in a pot and boil the meat and fish separating and add to the palm but sauce on fire when done.
4. Add crayfish, onion, salt and seasoning,
5. Allow to simmer for 1 hour ( add more water if necessary),
6. Serve with eba , rice ,fufu or whichever you desire.

Egusi soup

                     Egusi soup






1. Use a clean pot to heat the oil, clean the stockfish and boil in another pot with onion till it soft, add the meat to it and allow to boil for 30 minutes.
2. Then add onion pepper, seasoning, grinded melon, crayfish to the heated oil and allow to steam for 1 minute.
3. Pour in the cooked ingredients into the fried ones and allow to boil for 10 minutes.
4. Add pumpkin and salt to taste and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.
5. After that you egusi soup is ready to serve .
6. You can eat egusi soup with swallow meal of your choice, like semolina, wheat wheat meal and so on.

Sunday 18 February 2018

Pineapple juice

               Pineapple juice.


Ripe pineapple,
Flavour and cloves.


1. Peel the ripe pineapple and slice it, then blend it.
2. Boil the peel of the pineapple for about 10 minutes, then allow to cool.
3. Add the Iiquid with the blended pineapple and sugar,water and flavour.
4. Your pineapple juice is ready to be served.
You can chilled if you want.
Take along with any snacks of your choice.




15 cups of flour.
1, 1/2 teaspoon of yeast.
1,1/2 cups of sugar.
1 litre of warm water
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
3 litre of vegetable oil.


1. Mix together the yeast with warm water. Cover for 1 hour to dissolve.

2. Mix the flour together with sugar, butter and salt.
Use the mixed water to mix the flour,mould in any shape of your choice and leave for 40 minutes to rise.

3. Fry it in a heated vegetable oil using frying pan.

4. Your doughnut is ready when is turns light brown.

5. Transfer the doughnut into some tissue paper to soak up any excess oil.

6. Then roll into a bowl of remaining sugar for styling (optional).

Strawberry ice cream

           Strawberry icecream

1 pound strawberries.
2 cups of heavy cream.
1 cup whole milk.
²/3 cup of sugar.


1. Wash and trim the strawberries, then cut into 1/4 inch slices.
Place half of the sliced strawberries in a food processor or blender and puree, set aside both sliced and puree strawberries.

2. Combine cream, milk and sugar in a medium sauce pan over medium heat and cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved .
Remove from heat and pour mixture into a large bowl , add strawberry puree and mix well cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator until completely cool.

3. While the cream mixture is chilling, dice the remaining sliced strawberries into smaller pieces to mix into the ice cream , pour the cooled cream mixture into an ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer's instructions , towards the end of the process, stir in the dried strawberries .
Transfer  the ice cream to an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 more hours before serving.

Enjoy your strawberry ice cream.

Mini egg roll

                   Mini egg roll .


2 and the half cups of flour.
3 and the half teaspoons of sugar.
1 and the half teaspoon of baking powder.
Unboiled and boiled egg.
Half teaspoons of salt.
1 litre of water.
3 teaspoons of butter.


Mix the flour,  baking powder, unboiled egg, butter, salt and water together.

Peel the boiled egg and roll the mixture into a carrot formed shapes.

Fry it to be solid .

When light brown is ready to be served and can be taking with any juices of your choices.


                                       MILK CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIES


Chocolate is loved by everyone and bananas too. Have you ever wonder what flavor they give when mixed together? Okay now you can find out and create excitement in your kitchen and stomach.

1. Fresh chopped bananas
2. Sachets peak choco, chocolate milk (22 grams).
3. Tons peak Evaporated milk.
4. Honey or brown sugar (to taste).
5. Ice cubes.
Making: Once you've gotten the ingredients all you've got to do is throw them into your blender and blend for a few minutes on high speed until you got a smooth creamy finish.
After blending, pour into a glass and enjoy the smooth creamy taste of a Milk Choco Banana Smoothie.

Also try this out.Enjoy!

Friday 16 February 2018


                                    COCONUT FLOUR PANCAKE
Coconut flour pancake is a yummy pancake made from healthy grain free coconut flour, these pancakes are great for weight loss and also keto friendly too. It can be eating with oatmeal, custard, even snack and can also be taken along with chilled drink.  


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons coconut flour.
3eggs (egg white only)
5tablespoons of evaporated milk
2 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil
Salt to taste
Habenro pepper (if you feel like adding it)
Onions (optional)
Vegetable oil (for frying)
Notes about the ingredients:
-Use tasteless and odourless vegetable oil when frying, example vegetable oil.
-Habanero pepper is atarodo in Yoruba language.
-icing sugar works better than ordinary sugar in coconut flour pancakes.

-Cut your onion and habanero pepper into pieces.

-Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.


1. Add the virgin coconut oil into a bowl.
2. Add the icing sugar and the egg whites, and use a hand mixer or an egg whisk to beat the ingredients till the egg whites foam.
3. Add the coconut flour, salt and milk, and mix with the hand mixer till everything well combined together.
4. Add onions and habanero pepper and mix with a spatula.
5. Set a frying pan over low heat and add a few drops of vegetable oil, just enough to lubricate the frying pan.
6. When moderately hot pour some coconut flour into the frying pan and patiently wait for it to cake.
7. When the underside is light brown, gently flip the pancake to fry the other side too.
8. The coconut flour pancake is done when both sides are light brown.
9. you can take with oat meal, custard, fruits or as a snack along with a chilled drinks.
Add your desirer condiment you use for pancakes, honey e.t.c.

Please try it out, and feed me back your result. 

Honey Spiced Cajun Chicken

       Honey Spiced Cajun Chicken Hello Viewers, Is been long, Hope you are all fine? Missed you guys. Today will be teaching yo...