Tuesday 15 June 2021

Curried Chicken Balls

      Curried Chicken Balls
Hello viewers, today I will be teaching you how to prepare Delicious mouth watering Curried chicken balls. So let get started.

Ingredients needed:

1. 2 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened,
2. 2 tbsp. orange marmalade,
3. 2 tsp. curry powder, 
4. 3/4 tsp. salt, 
5. 1/4 tsp. pepper,
6. 3 c. finely minced cooked chicken 
7. 3 tbsp. minced green onion 
8  3 tbsp. minced celery, 
9. 1 c. finely chopped almonds, toasted,


1. In a mixing bowl, combine first 5 ingredients.
2. Beat until smooth. Stir in 
chicken, onion and celery. 
3. Shape into 1-inch balls; roll in almonds. 
4. Cover and chill until firm (can refrigerate up to 2 days). 
Yield: about 5 dozen 

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